Biologist take CELLfies | Master Journey #9

July 10, 2019

~I'm not a superhero~

Tahniah Ema! 
Dah boleh hantar thesis! 
Dah boleh prepare untuk viva! 
Dah boleh order baju kurung konvo!
Dah boleh cari kerja!

Dah boleh berhenti berangan.......

Walaupun kalau ikutkan perkiraan jadual perjalanan Master, Ema dah boleh siapkan thesis, ternyata perancangan Allah lain sekali. Tidak perlukan Gantt Chart, Allahualam. Soo, Ema masuk balik lab sebab perlu siapkan kerja tambahan dari SV.  Walaupun ada bantuan dari segi tenaga kerja, Ema masih lagi ulang alik dari UPM-Puchong walaupun jarang-jarang. 

2 minggu lepas....Ema masuk unit mikroskopi. Kalau korang ingatkan mikroskop sekolah menengah itu power, ada lagi microscope SUPER POWER. Microscope yang boleh tengok lubang pori pada muka bakteria...kiasnya macam itulah. 

Excited sebab microscopy (study using microscope) actually is one of my early consideration sebelum sambung Master. Bila ada peluang untuk guna microscope canggih di UPM, Ema senyum kambing.

Sebelum tu, apa tujuan Ema gunakan microscope canggih?? Yang perlukan bayaran servis RM145/jam??

English mode

Basically, I'm trying to identify the plant species from the pollens (debunga) collected by the bees. Plant pollen is like a plant fingerprint. Each plant has its own different and distinguishes pollen features. Once we know the plant sfavoured by bees, we can plan and design the suitable garden landscape for beekeeping.

As you can see........CANTIKK KANNN!! Hahaha. Sorry, I cannot contain myself. FYI, it's black and white image. If you have seen a color image, that's because it is manually applied. There are two pollens in the picture, the small one is from pokok semalu, and the big one is from yellow daisy. 

It took me four (almost sleepless) days to find their identities. We don't have plant encyclopedia which recorded ALL of Malaysia flower pollen. That is why I had to go through multiple research papers and books (with complete luck challenged by ridiculous confusion) to get this done before my SV decide to throw me another workload.

And yeah..basically, I managed to identify ~60% of them. I feel like "mission accomplished", finished one game stage and enter a new one. I will reach the boss when I meet the Viva examiners. 


How is life? Is it good?
I hope you are happy
Love what you do, then you will do great



  1. tahniah salma, lama betul x dengar cerita, tup2 time buat search kat research gate, keluar nama salma, all the best!

  2. Alamak, kita ada silent reader rupanya :D. Macam mana nama boleh keluar kat research gate tuuu. haha XD

    Thank you!

  3. haha, content bagus, x salah jadi silent reader, lagipun dulu2 pernah la baca blog salma ni mase mula2 berjinak nk set up blog sendiri, n then left camtu je for almost 9 years, haha, skrg bru nk update balik bilamana ada kerja yg kene buat related to blogger and writing, btw nanti sikit nk email kat salma promotion in writing and publication, if salma interested, salma boleh pm zahirul by gmail tu untuk further step

  4. Ok. Dah check email
    NICE! For PTS. Memang pernah pasang angan nak publish buku sendiri. Akademik la tapi 😂. Tapi sekarang tak ada idea lagi.

  5. ema tulis ni kira ada idea la, mungkin boleh buat buku mengenai an insight perspective as biologist researcher.... kan? boleh cerita kat dalam tu penat lelah dan perih mengharungi onak2 dan liku2 dunia akademik. tapi kalau nak lagi wow, boleh tulis buku ni pada sudut industri, so idea akan lebih banyak dan lagi banyak perkara untuk dikongsi :)

    btw, maaf lambat reply, busy kerja dan tengah set up schedule diri sndiri utk tulis buku, dan mungkin buat kolaborasi dgn Dr Abd Basit. tgok la dulu camne, jumpa semalam dia mcm okay je, huhu, tolong doakan kami :D

  6. Salam. Hai Kak Elma. Terima kasih banyak banyak sebab buat content2 tentang biotech ni. Saya tengah explore semua content yang berkaitan hehe. InshaAllah saya akan belajar biotech degree bulan 9 ni. Doakan saya kak 😆❤

  7. @ Amirah
    Wasalam! Sama-sama dik mirah. Harap membantu la mana yang patut
    Terima kasih sebab membaca.

    Good luck and enjoy your degree life as biotechnology student!

  8. Membantu sangat! Sama sama kak. Semoga urusan akak dan kawan2 dipermudahkan dan semoga akak diberi kebaikan, kesihatan serta kejayaan penuh kerberkatan dunia akhirat. Amiiin. InshaAllah ♡ Thanks again kak:)


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