January 29, 2010

ThE GifT Of a FrIENd

sometimes you think you'll be find by youself, cause a dream is a wish you make all alone, it's easy to feel, like you don't ne...
January 21, 2010


hoooo..... sunyi betul raser sejak masuk sklh minggu ke3 nie.. mmg sunyi..perkara yang ema paling takut pada ema..kesunyian. dari balik seko...
January 03, 2010

~School Day~

HoHo.. Hari nie sekolah untuk 1st day Tahun 2010... Selamat Kembali ke Sekolah eMa ucapkan kepada Semue pelajar. Okk laa..Ema cerita serba s...
January 01, 2010

~ I LOVE..~

THE CHIPMUNKS!! I LOVE THEM..they so cute.. I like cute stuff..Ha3.. jangan pelik2 kk.. They can sing!!! .. they can dance!! .. And they are...
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