I acknowledge you...Thank you | Master Journey #13
Apologies not accepted...

...for being away from blogging. No excuse, even though I'm literally attached to my laptop 12h per a day. That's because I'm stuck writing my thesis. After a period of 6-8 months, I finally ready to put my pen down.
I'm at the last moment, touching up my 190 pages thesis before I can finally breathe without suffocating. There were a lot of thoughts while writing thesis. To whom I write this? Why I want to do this? What I want to achieve doing this - put aside the need to graduate. These thoughts either be the reasons for my delay or the strength for my weakness.
I'm currently writing the acknowledgment part. Either A - I follow the cliche template or B - let it loose. I choose both, I want to appreciate people but as civilized as possible. I mean, why not. You going to end up writing something that going to be permanent on a paper soon. Let it engrave as a reminder of how people should be acknowledged, not because of academic society dictated but from your sincerity.
That is why, I'm forever grateful to Prof Google and Dr. Google Scholar for their knowledge richness, my alpaca plushy who has been a constant support for my exhausted arm. MILO, providing me energy 2-3 times per day and other things too..I'm lazy too write many of these, soo I just wrote them as "my indirect support" in the last paragraph of my thesis Acknowledgement.
I'm ending my post with a quote from a Wiseman;
The brighter the light on us, the darker the shadow
p/s: Going home this Sunday to kill some bed bugs..
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