Survival IM 6
in Carrel Room C 116
Pagi yang cerah untuk declare hari ni dah nak masuk 2 minggu Ema duduk kat Kuantan. Tapi awal semester ni Ema duduk kat luar yer. First time dapat duduk dalam rumah dengan housemate lain. Sudahla tak ada kereta, motor..lesen pun tak ada. Alhamdulillah, tumpang kereta housemate.
Student IIUM hampir memonopoli kawasan perumahan Indera Makhota.. Ema dapat rumah di Indera Makhota 6..Tak jauh pun dari UIA. 5 minit sahaja dah sampai.
Sebenarnya kalau ikutkan hati, nak sahaja duduk kat dalam IIUM. Tapi, sebab new intake ramai sangat and the new Mahallah is not open yet for the new residence, senior-senior kenalah duduk kat luar demi junio-junior ni ... Nak dijadikan cerita, ada sahaja classmate yang duduk kat dalam. Tak nak cerita panjang-panjang.. I am now a resident of IM 6 dengan housemate ku 7 orang yang lain.
2nd Floor
1st Floor
These pictures are not from my house. It is my neighbours'. But the interior design is likely the same..
Some of us really enjoy the freedom staying outside. For me, there are a lot of pros and cons ..
One of the bad point living outside..
- Far away from University Facilities! Ema tak ada lesen, kesian la kalu asyik minta housemate tolong hantarkan ke UIA sokmo. Bus schedule is not fixed and the bus stand is too far away from my house.
- Safety..
- Wifi......T.T.T.T.TT.T.T.T.T.
The Pros?
- He3.. Usually our lunch only cost around RM1.00-2.00. Complete meal with rice, lauk-pauk and water. Alhamdulillah
- Discussion with classmates. My classmate is my housemate. My lab partner is my housemate. My group member is my housemate.Done.

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