Mahallah Baru
Semalam akhirnya! dapat juga masuk asrama baru kampus UIA kuantan. 1 tahun 2 bulan menunggu nak duduk atas bukit tu. But the process to enter our new Mahallah, from obtaining the keys and transferring our stuffs from Indera Makhota 6 were really challenging. Some have to wait until 4 hours just to get the keys!
Luckily, Ema tunggu 1 jam sahaja. But..
Ema dan roomate sebilik ada masalah kunci sebab kunci tu tak match dengan tombol pintu. Terpaksa meredah lautan sisters dekat Mahallah Office to make the report..but still, walau dah tukar tombol baru, ada masalah lagi..and someone has to lock from inside and exit through the window...kihkihkih..
Alhamdulillah, our new is at the end of level 7 near the toilets and bathrooms. The toilets and bathrooms are soo neatly design but the space is narrow. Some said that the Mahallah is poorly design because certain compartment's windows are facing the corridor. ha3. terrifying thing to discover when someone is peeking inside your room from the corridor.
But the best part? Mahallah Ema dekat depan Kuliyyah Of Science.! Tak adalah nak tunggu bas nak g kelas lepas ni, unless hujan lebat.. Just turun bukit and sampai terus kelas~
Some of the new facilities are the pantry rooms, and ironing spaces. There are also usrah spaceat each Mahallah. Oh, The three new Mahallah are Umi Kalsom (sisters block system), Fatimah Az-Zahra (sisters semester system) and Kahlid Al-Walid for brother

Alhamdulillah, all the best in your future undertakings...