Lab Diary
First sekali, Congratulations to my little sister for her excellent performance in UPSR.
Cuci bersih sarang blong ni, Ema nak cerita banyak perkara. But, tak sempat rasanya nak dicelotehkan semuanya. Assignment, presentations, Lab reports mak ai bertimbun minggu nie. Alhamdulillah, ada yang sempat disiapkan awal. Ema suka experiment, tapi gedebuk 5 experiments report untuk disiapkan this week. All of it is fun! Interesting and exhaustive. From Genetics to Fermentation to Tissue Culture. Budak Medic layan patients, kitorang biotech banyak layan bacteria jer.
In Genetics lab
This one is really interesting. Bacteria transformation. Masukkan plasmid yang diubah suai secara genetik ke dalam bacteria E.coli.
Asalnya E.coli tak glow, tapi bila suluhkan lampu UV, nampaklah Fluoroscent Green. Cantikkan. Gene fluoroscene is taken from Jelly Fish.
Tissue Culture Lab
Growing Tobacco from leaf. Satu kepuasan bila dapat tengok daun ni membesar. Daripada daun sahaja kita dapat menghasilkan a complete plant of Tobacco. But, it is tricky. Perlukan teknik yang betul untuk elakkan daun mati before it can grow well. If not, akan jadi macam bawah T.T
This is the culture growth for plant Jatropha carcus sp. Setelah 3 minggu, macam inilah hasilnya. Hitam tandanya daun tu dah mati and look at the white fungus grow on the agar plate. isk3..
Fermentation Lab
Source of bacteria. Kitorang "Menternak" bacteria which is taken from anywhere we want. Tak adalah kitorang pakai alat macam iklan TV yang pancarkan sinaran apa entah untuk tengok bacteria . Manual sahaja dalam lab~
Nampak putih-putih itu? Itulah bacteria-bacteria degil yang membiak atas agar plate and it is taken from my handphone's keychain. Tandanya, my keychain is contaminated. T.T. Lepas dapat tau betapa tercemarnya keychain, terus Ema basuh. Contamination can be anywhere, So rajin-rajinlah basuh tangan before makan.
Another source is taken from the water cooler. Look at how many bacteria colonies have formed. @_@. I think the water cooler is rusting and favor growth of many bacteria. Do you dare to drink water from this water cooler? Surprisingly, there is another source taken from the dustbin and it shows almost no bacteria colonies....herm..
This experiment tells you how dangerous UV light can be. The upper side is exposed to UV ray. You can observed no lawn of bacteria at all, not even a single colony. All of the bacteria has been killed by the UV ray. Sayonara. Imagine if it is exposed to our skin...Eye cataract, skin cancer and much more..

interestingnya buat research. kalau akak ta keberatan, boleh akak bagi pencerahan tentang career opportunities bagi pelajar biotech?