Waiting for endless time
This week is probably one of the hectic weeks and week full of juggling. Most of the time was occupied with things that i used to find it can be rather useless but also peaceful thing. Waiting.
At first, people doesn't mind waiting. including me. Time flies when you waiting for someone especially when you busy doing something else to fill in the gap...But,what if you don't?
You have to wait for an awful amount of time (which you don't know!) again, again and again....
minutes? hours?.....or half your day.....just waiting....waiting for something that could happen or never happen..
That what was happening to me everyday..waiting. initially i'm ok. But after days passing by and it keeps happening everyday. I became mentally tired. Very tired. My friend said you were given a big test this week. Only Allah knows how much.
That's okay.
Alhamdulillah. Allah gives me this test to help remind me of Him. How far i am from Him so I can become closer to Him.
Next week will be a pressure week and it happen to be my last week after 3 months of Holiday. I need to give all out for the big test next week. Inshaallah.
Sometimes, if you want to become stronger, you just need a little bit of challenge and test.
p/s : Tahniah kak dilah and Anuar! welcome baby aryan! baby biotech pertama

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