Emosi selepas Exam

January 08, 2016


Another normal day, yang mana bibit selepas exam macam satu declaration  'penaklukan dunia' atau  'Missing-in-Action'

Macam biasalah. Nak g outing la, tengok wayang la, mengadap laptop la, pergi enjoy la...

Untuk Ema... 
Take the earliest bus to hometown..
No more waiting..Yess

After Exam kadang-kadang ada mix emotions like

' When the right answers kick your brain'

'When people discussing the answers right in front of your face...'

' When you remember stupid things you did in exam.....'

'When you know you cannot answer one question correctly...'

'When you finished the last paper...'

kih3...Don't destroy all of your notes.It may help you someday...

Even though I have all those feelings, in the end i tell myself that..

 *pasang lagu pharrell williams - HAPPY*

p/s: ugggh..dah tido before pukul 10 malam tadi. Headache punya pasal. Bangun pagi pun still rasa macam ada orang cucuk otak kiri nie.. There go my logical side of brain


  1. hahah..samalaahh..memes tu apa yg sy rasa lepas exam!

  2. @Diya Hanun
    Ha3.. Semua pelajar akan rasa benda yang sama..


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