Memilih supervisor atau memilih tajuk?
Hari ni Ema ada test Food Chemistry. Dr Tan punya soalan is everything based on the slides and yang Dr memang tekankan dalam kelas. Easy part. The hard part is to understand and remember. I'm lacking in memorization and had to work my brain to remember things. Dalam exam hall tadi lupa, memerah otak nak ingat balik tapi apakan daya.. =)
Apa yang menarik minggu ni bukan sebab Final Exam. Tapi sebab tajuk Final Year Project (FYP) sudah keluar kelmarin~ Baikkan UIA sebab supervisor yang sediakan tajuk. TQ.
Eventhough Kuliyyah Science tak buat first come first serve basis and tak ada supervisor booking agenda, Ema still curious sampaikan sanggup letak ke tepi notes Food chemistry semalam. Too excited sebab dapat pilih tajuk akhirnya.
Yang downnya, lecturer yang Ema nak tu tak involve dalam FYP this year.
What a bummer.
Since she specialize in area i'm interested in (besides food), i had to look at other topics/supervisor.
My plan is to choose supervisor yang memang kenal dan "ngam". A good relationship with supervisor it worth for a lifetime. Besides, i want a supervisor that can help me in future studies.
Another criteria Ema pilih ialah tajuk. I'm trying to choose topic which I know (and hopefully) enjoy. Ema elak FYP yang involve technique yang troublesome macam tanam pokok aka tissue culture. I want to handle microscope and bacteria. Instead of narrowing to food-based FYP, i'm looking at microbial-based FYP. Ada yang isolation and characterization of bacteria tapi sesuai untuk budak marine...Kenapakah kitorang tak belajar Food Microbiology kat IIUM ni.
Another reason for choosing a good topic is for some people, FYP inilah yang boleh promote diorang waktu interview kerja. For others, it may help to further their studies in Master/ pHD level.
So choose well my friends.
p/s: Ada orang kata pilih FYP title macam nak pilih bini.........istikharah jerla.

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