J.K Rowling sebagai penulis rookie
Firstly,i don't know why,but i found this story is interesting. Cerita 2 hari lepas, the identity of a rookie author which is a retired military policeman - Robert Galbraith. Shocking it is. "This man" who "debut" with a mystery novel entitled "The Cuckoo's calling" hit as a bestsellers lists.Which why the local newspaper find it rather suspicious on how a rookie author could achieve this indefinite achievement at a first shot. Investigation is acted out and the real author turn out to be none other than my own favourite writer - J.K Rowling
Charming as she is to write a book using different name.A man's name.This is not the first time she done it,J.K Rowling's name itself is like an invisible cloak.A guy or a women?That is the idea of "J.K". Ms. Joanne feels a man name vibe is suit for the Harry Potter creator. Now he..ops,SHE done it again, but more anonymously.
"The Cuckoo's calling" is doing far better than expected with critical acclaimed compared to "Casual Vacancy" with mixed reviews - Adult theme,jangan tanya ema cerita pasal apa.Now with J.K Rowling cover blown,the sales is booming and said to be the a tough competitor for this summer best-seller . So,Ms.Jo is making money, the reader is urging to purchase it on Amazon and who is possibly living in regret? Publishers who turned down the manuscripts. Pity them. How they expressed their disappointment and embarrassment? Taking all the way to Twitter.Boldly confessed.
"Mea culpa, mea culpa. Me for @thebookseller on how I missed The Cuckoo's Calling," tweeted fiction reviewer Cathy Rentzenbrink from trade magazine The Bookseller who only read the first chapter of the book before abandoning it
Kate Mills, fiction editor at London-based Orion publishing, went onto Twitter to admit "So I can now say that I turned down J.K. Rowling. I did read and say no to Cuckoo's Calling. Anyone else going to confess?" Mills tweeted.
The sales increase from 1,500 copies sold to 5,000 and expected to be higher now.Although is still far ahead from Harry Potter sales - +100 million copies....Robert Galbraith - nice pseudonym? I prefered J.K Rowling.
But it is still interesting.The element of surprise from Ms.Jo,the world renowned author probably not epic,but really a hit to face for others.With no expectations and publicities.It reminds me of "Read it and Weep" and anonymous writer for school newspapers(You know,the one who gave "wise" advices to others) or maybe the The Girl With the Green Scarf.Write something,trashy or a hit,like it or scrap it..no one will hunt you for your horrible writing as long as you use different name..err.Maybe not.Goodluck in finding a publisher with that.
J.K Rowling response?
“I had hoped to keep this secret a little longer," said Rowling in the newspaper's expose, "because being Robert Galbraith has been such a liberating experience. It has been wonderful to publish without hype or expectation, and pure pleasure to get feedback under a different name.”

p/s:Kenapa ema tulis in english?MUET hujung minggu nie ^_^
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