Hei Introvert!
Assalamualaikum and Hi!
caution: This post is written in English and Malay
KFC Mid Valley, 2013
Sesi last Usrah. Perjumpaan terakhir sebelum transisi dari pusat asasi ke ijazah sarjana muda. Akak usrah ada menghulurkan sekeping kertas untuk setiap seorang. Peraturan dia senang, setiap orang perlu tulis 'pendapat' atau 'pandangan' tentang nama ahli usrah yang tertera atas kertas. Passing dan lipat macam kipas jepun(biar secret sikit). Biasa dengarkan. Setelah game tamat, semua dapat kertas masing-masing. Ada yang tergelak dan merah pipi. Ema buka lipatan kertas satu-persatu dan yang menarik perhatian Ema ialah perkataan 'introvert'
Apa tu?
Ema tanya Afiqah tinggi,' Introvert tu apa?'
Fiqah balas 'Lawan Extrovert...'
Dalam hati Ema 'Apa pulak tu..'
Jawapan yang tak memuaskan. Lepas tu, Ema cari sendiri makna disebalik perkataan 'introvert' yang dikomen member usrah lain.
One central dimension of personality is introversion versus extroversion. An introvert is a person who draws energy from time spent alone. Introverts find social situations draining and need time alone to recharge after being around people. They tend to be introspective and like to explore thoughts and feelings. They may prefer to talk about concepts and ideas rather than making small talk. -Arlin Cuncic, 2016-
Betul kata Afiqah. An introvert is the opposite of extrovert.
Introvert VS malu
Introvert kurang bersosial sebab lebih suka bersendiri. Orang pemalu kurang bersosial sebab takut untuk bersosial. -Carol Bainbridge, 2016-
Introvert test
Ada test ker sebelum kita layak digelar 'Introvert?'. Umpama kita claim diri ni genius. Macam mana nak claim diri ini genius? Kena test dan masuk Mensa ke?
(p/s: Mensa pertubuhan untuk orang intelek yang terpilih..the chosen one -Ema, 2016-)
(p/s: Mensa pertubuhan untuk orang intelek yang terpilih..the chosen one -Ema, 2016-)
Briggs and Myers test adalah salah satu ujian personaliti untuk kenal pasti anda introvert atau extrovert. Tapi, online test lagi menyeronokkan kan~.
Here are what I got;
Hidup Introvert
1. Introvert nampak pendiam. Tapi sebenarnya banyak perkara bermain dalam fikiran. Bila duduk sorang-sorang, fikiran jadi satu rutin harian . Macam sekarang. Fikir nak buat apa hujung minggu. Bercucuk tanam? Sabtu ni balik UIA pukul berapa? Macam mana nak beli buku 'The cursed child'.
p/s: We did the same game during my 2nd-year biotech gathering. My foreign classmate wrote ' You seems to think a lot'.
2. Aktiviti bersosial bukan aktiviti pilihan (seldomly I can survive). Satu pencapaian terbaik apabila dapat bersosial dan rancak berbual dengan orang lain. Dalam satu majlis, Introvert akan duduk - sama ada seorang diri berhampiran Exit door atau berada dalam kelompok kawan rapat. Introvert sukakan hidup yang penuh privasi. Ema tak suka share hal peribadi. I like to keep things to ourself.
3. Aktiviti yang paling disukai. Waktu untuk diri sendiri. Alone time. Laptop, internet connection, phones and earphone, books. They are precious. Introvert biasa tolak pelawaan orang untuk pergi outing atau jalan-jalan. Sebab duduk dalam bilik lagi best.
Tapi tak semestinya setiap masa introvert suka solitude. Bila lama sangat menyendiri, sosial level jadi low. Akan timbul juga keinginan untuk bersosial tapi tak berlebihan. Kiranya sosial secara sederhana. Small close friends are better than having a large acquaintance.
Perks and loss of introvert
Based on my own experience, an introvert is alert to surrounding sometimes. They think and analyze the situation, then they talk. Introvert alert on what they say and what they do. Like Holmes said 'You see but you do not observe - Scandal in Bohemia'. One of my favorite quote from Conan Doyle. We think a lot. Therefore, we need high storage brain capacity.
The bad thing is sometimes introvert need to socialize to build a good network connection. Especially in career and industry that requires good network base. An introvert may have trouble in that area.
Successful introverts
Can you name them?
Surprise!! Miranda Priestly is (or was) an introvert. 😃
Me, Now
But now I talk a lot, try to start a discussion, sign up for programme very little by little, went outing with close friends only, jump into my neighbors' rooms and chat for hours and share part of my world to you guys in Blog. But I still don't want to sign up for facebook, twitter, Instagram etc. I feel insecure even though there is privacy option.
Sometimes, there is time I want to open a twitter account but not as myself. Incognito mode.

I like the last line
'I just need to not talk to anyone for a while'
And that is when people call you arrogant.
But hey, I know who I am at least.
p/s: Lucky for you guys I'm ranting about me when I never did.

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