Postgraduate Seminar Day
Fakulti sains dan teknologi makanan UMT menganjurkan seminar day untuk postgraduate. One of the purposes for this event is for the Master and PhD students to share their progress and also to present their proposal to others. Sambil tu judges akan menilai presentation diorang, give marks and comments and lastly...prize giveaway.
Disebabkan program ni kekurangan runner, Ema volunteerkan diri untuk jadi runner. =)
The room I was in-charge of
Kerja Ema adalah untuk memastikan slides ready dalam laptop, LCD n PA system ok dan kutip borang markah. Supposedly setiap kali students habis present, Ema kena kutip borang tu lepas tu berlari hantar ke runner lain yang tengah key in markah dekat bilik lain. Tapi, Ema hampir buat adegan tarik-menarik kertas dengan judges.
'Yer, sabar...'
'saya tau...'
'Aish awak ni, tak sabar betul..'
Ha3. ya ya judges, lepas tu Ema tunggula lama sikit untuk kutip bagi mengelakkan buat action drama (kih3)..
Judges hot seat
Bila dah siap semua present, Ema terus berlari ke makmal sebab nak ambik gambar experiment gel SDS-PAGE yang fail for the 13th time dan prepare untuk repeat experiment again. Ema skip jer closing ceremony dan lunch sebab result experiment lagi penting T.T.
Witnessing the presentation of Master and PhD students gave me a tiny idea on what its like to succeed as postgraduate students. Research students need a lot of attribute to achieve that. Perseverance, hard work, soft skill and etc. If you have good ideas but fail to present and deliver them to your audience, it is like falling into a hole before the finishing line.
It also make me think....what will I going to do next.
I was in charge as a runner in Agriculture students room...
I am a food biotechnology student.
90% of the presentation is hard to grasp.
I want to become runner in Food Science room because they present stuff that doesn't clogging my brain 90% of the time and also give me a brief idea on what to do next.
I got no luck.
I got no luck.
But one of the thing that grab my attention is one of the student showed this beautiful, cool, breath taking image of microscopic view using my favorite Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
My goal in lab is to use and master (inshaAllah) using that Scanning Electron Microscope so that i can see more things i can't see with my naked eyes beautifully *_*
At the end, this postgraduate student kindly gave free dessert to eat. Of course i must eat it! Dessert is my favourite meal ~
There was cheese tart, cream puff and chocolate cake (?)
I took ' cream puff' when it turned out to be 'tuna mayonnaise puff'

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