My Trial Result


Have you ever dream having this result in you hand...
Most perfectly is,This is YOUR RESULT!

Super Crazzy FUN!

The result was amazing.
BTW.That result is own by SMKATJ ex-princess who scores 11A+ last year..
I can't believe myself how they can pull it till maximum level.That's totally insane - for someone who can't believe they can achieve that success.
If you see the way i see,my dear SPM candidates friend..
Then,you actually can do it.
See it,Feel it like that is your own result..
But caution!Dreamers aren't allowed here!
Effort is needed of course!
The result shown above is the purpose to raise everyone spirit,to show us all that we can do it!

You can own it my friend!Just need wisdom,spirit and belief...

Plus,To this person who own this result,kak,harap mohon dipinjam...tapi,tuan miliknya dirahsiakanlah yer..Sedap2 ema jer tunjuk hak milik orang.Tapi,difikirkan balik.Tak menjadi kesalahan jugak nak share data nie kan :P.Bukan untuk advertisement la..

p/s:AHHHHH!!!Ema dan 3 orang kawan ema yang lain kone oral bi depan ....siapa entah.Katanya,nak  tengok markah oral betul tak.Nak dipertikaikan pulak markah(herm..nak buat macam mana,dah  teacher bagi markah gitu...)..Next week jugakla ada oral lisan BA..^=^


  1. WAAHH.. gempak siot result.. sape punyer ni?? kak zulaikha / kak aisyah??

    em.. bila laa fizah nak dapat result camni ek?? haha

  2. Wah2..
    Empunya result takleh kasi tau..

    kan dah Gempak!! result tu..
    sape la yang tak nak result cam tu..

    Fizah hanya tunggu masa sahaja ~

  3. haaa ambk mne ni result KAK AISYAH ey??????? hahahahahaa..pdn ema..sume reresult power2 dlm otok syhir kak ika syhir igt ag..hehe

  4. WOOHH Syahir..
    Pecoh rahsia..
    Pecoh rahsia,pecah gelas..
    kalu dah ada,post jerla...

    Ade ah tu ambik mane..
    Syahir ngafal teh result orang,result diri ngafal tak tu..?

    ni bukan stakat power..tapi SUPER POWERR!!!


Saya komen

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